An Autonomous Institution for Vocational and Industrial Education, Training and Skill Development Registered Under Govt. of India.
A venture of NEXTGEN INDIA EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION and Run by Nied International Organization
Outstanding Honors in Education and social Sector
Winning The Maximum Number of Awards in Educational and Academics
Outstanding Contribution in Field of Education Development worldwide with various education and training programs.
For Outstanding Work in The Field of Education
Outstanding Honors in Education Sector, Serving Society By Various Education and Training Programs.
Set World Record For Incredible Working in Field of Educational Services Nationwide....
Set Record as Top Education Provider and Outstanding Achiever of India in Filed of Educational Development and Social Services....
Set World Record as getting maximum 278+ Awards, appreciations and Honors....
Build your expertise. University programs give you the specialization you need to keep ahead of trends, seek greater career opportunities and stay competitive. Our programs align with industry needs and continuing education requirements.
Choose from our cutting-edge popular programs in Engineering & Technology, NanoTechnology, Telecommunication, Doctoral Programs, Medicine And Health, Architecure. Stay competitive and up to date with our popular programs.
Empower Lives
Goal - To Empowerment of 30000 Selected Candidates Free.
E For e-Education
Goal - To Provide 100000 Candidates Free Training about Electronic and Digital Equipment.
Mission Skilled Youth
Goal - To Provide Empowerment Training 50000 Candidates Free.
Goal - To Digitally Literate 10000000 Candidates without Making any Training Fees.
More than 5638 Courses and Training programs available to improve your Skills and Get Certified Search your suitable course here..
February 2025 Batch :- Admission and Online payment Link Available on Centre Panel, Last Date 28/02/2025 (Friday) Read More
January 2025 Exam Event Eligible Candidate data Required to all Authorized Centres Read More
October 2024 Exam Results are declared Online Candidate can check it online using our Official Website Read More
NIED is a very good institute which helps the students to study and learn the art of living in a way which can give them complete education of life. I would like to thank the head of Institution, Dr. D.Raj Sir, whose far-reaching ideas made this possible. Today the students of NIED are showcasing their talent not only in the country but also abroad. We hope that you will keep this institute and its units moving in this manner so that the country continues to move forward on the path of progress. The council has developed high-quality curricula to ensure that students are prepared for both public and professional life, emphasizing a well-rounded education. NIED is the platform where the dreams of education and employment of people of every section are fulfilled. Congratulations and always best wishes to the NIED family for this Great work.
Centre Director
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
NEXTGEN INDIA EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL is very helpful for students whose search for job and success and absence of Certificate, Diploma and Mark-sheet have not any job. NIED COUNCIL Provides Job oriented Courses, with Less Fee and many more Free courses and training Projects. After Passing the NIED COUSES my Students Placed in Canada, UAE, US, UK and many more Countries to further study and Job Employment. It’s Very good institute best knowledge provided by the NIED COUNCIL’s Qualified and Experienced team about the any subject. Additional tips also given. All over India Authorized Study and Training Centers available and providing best skill Development and all kind education with a lot of universe knowledge, Thanks a lot to NIED Organization.
Centre Head
Jhalandhar, Punjab
I want to fly in air with my thoughts, abilities and strength to become a known personality in competitive world. The NIED provides me good path/ Mission to accomplish my vision and act as like wings for me. Bulk of courses is there in NIED. I got Free Training, Vocational Training, Certificate, Diploma, PG Diploma courses and these opportunities are too appropriate for me to grow and expand my career and Center.
Centre Head
Kaman, Bharatpur, Rajasthan
NIED COUNCIL is the chance to explore my wings to development of education in the tribal area where we survives daily with life and livelihood issues and problems, NIED here always to generate chances to employment and empowerment for all our students, youths, female and other needful persons of my geographical area after complete the course. I feel proud to work with The Council.
Centre Director
Baramulla, Jammu & Kashmir
शिक्षाविद एड. डॉ. धनराज एवं श्रीमति कविता जी द्वारा स्थापित एन. आई. ई. डी. काउंसिल संस्थान निरंतर विगत 13 वर्षों से नौजवानों की स्किल्स एवं आत्मनिर्भरता की और कदम बढ़ाते हुए कार्य कर रहा है, वास्तव में आज के समय में शिक्षा का उद्देश्य सुदृढ़, ज्ञानात्मक समाज निर्माण करते हुए मनुष्य की बौद्धिक, सामाजिक, शारारिक, भावनात्मक क्षमताओं और नैतिकता के गुणों को एकीकृत तरीके से विकसित करना है, क्योंकि भारत की मौजूदा शिक्षा प्रणाली समकालीन स्थिति में चुनोतियों का सामना करने में सक्षम नहीं है। इस संदर्भ में आपका सोचना सार्थक है शिक्षा का लक्ष्य अंततः उन्मुक्त और आत्मविश्वास से व्यक्ति का निर्माण करना है जो विपरीत परिस्तिथियों में भी चुनोतियों का सामना सफलतापूर्वक कर सकें। आज एन. आई. ई. डी. काउंसिल को भारत में ही नहीं अपितु विश्वस्तरीय पहचान आपके अथक प्रयासों से मिली है जो विकसित राष्ट्र निर्माण के लिए सच्चा आइना है। आप द्वारा बौद्धिक एवं शैक्षिक स्तर पर वंचित,शोषित समाज को जोड़ने का संकल्प निरंतर जारी रहें.... शुभेच्छु :- बी. एम. सिंह मोखरिया
Social Activist
Jaipur, Rajasthan
NIED COUNCIL is an organization that cares a great deal about the community, members, Center directors, Students, Employers, job Seekers, Core Team and employees. Between the education provided for those groups, the events NIED puts on, the Center and Students benefits, opportunities for advancement, and a good deal more, NIED COUNCIL makes it such a wonderful place to work with happy Center Directors that care about the members, each other, and the organization...
State Business Head
NIED COUNCIL is A global Institute with a good business model and an efficient communication strategy that is helping us reach our enrolment targets year after year. We have a strong relationship based on trust, regular contacts and joint initiatives. The NIED COUNCIL Centre Relations Team plays a key role in the success of our relationship, and ultimately, our success in recruiting international students for our Skill development and many other programs.
Centre Director
Chandigarh, India
I started Working with NEXTGEN INDIA EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL as Authorized Study and Training Centre Since April 2017 and since then have noticed a tremendous growth in my career along with NIED COUNCIL. It enables work/ life balance, provides opportunity to learn and grow through leadership, empowerment, technology, proper guidance with various kind of training & support systems.
Centre Head
Kotputli, Rajasthan
Innovation in Education: Nied Council has fostered innovation in teaching practices and methodologies, encouraging the development of new and progressive perspectives in education. Quality Curriculum: The council has developed high-quality curricula to ensure that students are prepared for both public and professional life, emphasizing a well-rounded education. Teacher Training Programs: NIED has proposed improved and modern training programs for teachers, enhancing their professional development and effectiveness in the classroom. Inclusive Education: NIED has prioritized inclusive education, ensuring equal opportunities for students of all backgrounds, ethnicities, and abilities. Research and Development: The council has initiated programs for research and development in education, contributing to the expansion of knowledge and continuous improvement in the educational process.
Centre Director
Mundawar, Alwar, Rajasthan
The Council no doubt is rigorous and very motivating. It gave personal attention to each member academically. Working with NIED COUNCIL is Not only theoretical but also experiential. It always made the learning experience enjoyable and intellectual. It not only made me better academically but also helped me test my capabilities to further excel in education and development field to educate people around the Nation with guidance of board of Directors.
State coordinator
After Affiliate My Centre from NIED here 6500 + course options to provide training from like Free education and training, Skill development, Community medical and health sciences, vocational training, fire and safety etc. In form of Certificate, Diploma, PG Diploma courses and these opportunities are too appropriate for me to grow & expand my career and Center. Thanks to NIED COUNCIL.
Centre Head
Sayla, Jalore, Rajasthan
In my career of 20 years when I got NIED COUNCIL on 23/02/2022 I felt like a bird in the desert because I can’t promote and help my students since 2003 for accelerate them career but NIED COUNCIL is was very useful for not only working professional but it helps a drop out students and also house wife. NIED COUNCIL is different reorganization for its useful and effective syllabus Keep up with the times, it’s APPROVALS, and CERTIFICATE are of great value. It is very useful to keep our students in job, promotion and foreign file. Even student represent themselves for many platforms. Heartily thanks for NIED's honorable Dr. DHANRAJ SIR because they solve our Query On The Spot even of a small center like us. They provide GUIDANCE and MOTIVATE us. Special THANKS to all Team for kind cooperation and support Thank you so much for including Siddh Institute in being part of The NIED COUNCIL.
Centre Head
Anand, Gujarat
I feel fortunate to be a coordinator of NIED COUNCIL. We are blessed with senior and experienced Board of Directors as well as state of sophisticated and advanced technology on which students and center's are allowed to work themselves. The Council has very conducive atmosphere for education and research, as it offers 5000+ programs to educate and empower skills. We get plenty of opportunities to develop our all round skills.
Centre Director
Mahedragarh, Haryana
एन आई ई डी कौंसिल... भारत गणराज्य का एक मात्र ऐसा संस्थान है जो की समाज के उस तबके के लोगों के लिए काम कर रहा है| जिनकी दो वक्त की रोटी की तलाश में बच्चों की शिक्षण जैसी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका में भारी चूक हो जाती है जिसका दुष्परिणाम स्वरूप हम देखते है| समाज में अशिक्षा से शुरू होकर यह सिलसिला बेरोज़गारी से गुज़रकर युवा पीढ़ी को अपराध के उस चंगुल में फँसा देती है, जहां से निकलना मुश्किल ही नही नामुमकिन साबित होता है| इसी संकल्पना के साथ संस्थान में अनेक पाठ्यक्रम शामिल है जिसके शिक्षण /प्रशिक्षण उपरांत समाज को एक नई दिशा मिलेगी इसी विशुद्ध सोच एवं राष्ट्र में एक पहल -एक प्रयास भारत का को सशक्त एवं स्वरोज़गार की नई दिशा के प्रयास निमित्त जिससे भारत सुजलाम सुफलाम जैसी व्यवस्था स्थापित करने के लिए हम एन आई ई डी संस्थान परिवार कटिबद्ध है | समाज की अंतिम पंक्ति को शिक्षा से सरोकार हो जिससे एक उत्कृष्ट राष्ट्र की कल्पना की जा सकती है।
National Coordinator - Legal Head
Lawyer - Supreme Court of India
I would like to appreciate the board of Directors at NIED EDUCATION COUNCIL for the efforts they made for providing a fair and ample amount of chances to our students. Leaders of the Council worked so hard on our overall development and conducted various programs for our Development to enhance our skills. I loved my time here at NIED and to be a Centre Head I feel very Proud.
Centre Director
Ganjbasoda, Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh
NIED COUNCIL is a very good education system. Every NIED Authorized Centre in India is a amazing place for study and our future goal complete. It is one of the Best institute for skill development We wish them all the best for further development, progress and fame in the future. Bulk of courses is there in NIED COUNCIL. I got Free Training, Vocational Training, Certificate, Diploma, PG Diploma courses
Centre Director
Sangrur, punjab
Having as associated me with NIED has given me immense satisfaction and has helped me understand the issues faced by both corporate and differently challenged people in education sector. I am hoping that I shall be able to assist in any and every way possible to make my association with NIED more fruitful for my growth and development as an individual.
Centre Director
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
It is a very good work.. of NIED COUNCIL. By joining the NIED, I have learned a lot of good things and at the same time I have got networking as a good education. It has been almost 5 years since we have been associated with NIED, we have done about 2685+ admissions and the results are also good. We hope to God that we continue like this for a long time and be associated with this great Institute.
Centre Director
Ummedabad, Jalore, Rajasthan
As a trusted name in the quality education NIED COUNCIL plays an important role in the field of education where every student gets a special help towards education and employment. Moving forward and doing good jobs in government and private fields and living a happy future. I am hoping that I shall be able to assist in any and every way possible to make my association with NIED more fruitful for my growth.
Centre Head
Paota, Jaipur, Rajastha
The NIED COUNCIL Centre Relations Team plays a key role in the success of our relationship, and ultimately, our success in recruiting international students for our Skill development and many other programs. After Affiliate My Centre from NIED here 6500 + course options to provide training from like Free education and training, Skill development, Community medical and health sciences, vocational training etc.
Centre Director
Laksar, Haridwar, Uttarakhand
NIED COUNCIL Leaders and Board of directors have put in all the efforts to groom us and make us corporate professionals and Social Service Provider to educate people and develop their skills to empowerment of the nation. It is very wonderful experience working as a Business head of Haryana state with NIED COUNCIL. The Board Directors as mentors at the council helped us enhance my All Educational working and interpersonal skills.
State Coordinator
I think the greatest advantage of working with NIED COUNCIL has been the on-the-ground support in everywhere, in particular as I explore new opportunities in education sector. We began working with NIED COUNCIL to educate all categories students from multiple regions, and the success has been excellent. The supporting team extremely helpful and has made educational development and skill development training across the India very smooth.
Centre Director
Pune, Maharashtra
My decision to Join and Work in India wasn’t an easy one to make; the thoughts of new people, different learning systems and new environment were all frightening. When I Joined NIED COUNCIL, I was quite anxious about the way the educational system worked in this Council, the pedagogy and the peer culture. But to my surprise the council turned out to be one of my greatest and most enriching experiences in terms of learning, skill development and skill diversification.
Regional Coordinator
South Region, India